Monday, February 28, 2005


Wow. So doubleshot ended over one week ago. I figured that once I stopped having rehearsal/fixing things/putting together a spit-and-bailing-wire sound system (Ram rocks, btw! If he hadn't been there, I don't know what I would have done. Who else would have thought of using a battery-powered distortion pedal as a pre-amp? Not me, certainly) every day from the end of classes till like 11 that I'd have more time and be less stressed. To quote a great man and a dear, personal friend of mine: "Not so much."
Somehow I managed to be busy all through last week. With what? I'm not entirely sure at this point. It likely has to do with the fact that my calc and physics prof's fortuitously pushed back HW to that week from the previous one. It did meant that I effectively had two extra HW assignments due in addition to the other ones that I'd normally have in a week. When I have a 'normal' load of HW and I don't have anything much planned then I have a really good schedule of when I get my various assignments due. However, I had too much last week to work at my usual pace, and this week everything got pushed forward, throwing off my entire 'routine' (not that it's been a routine routine, but you get the idea).
So, last week was far more unpleasant than expected, but at least once that was over, I had a nice week ahead of me, right? Nope.
This week, since friday is 'mid-semester break' (yea, the day before spring break, what's up with that? Not that I'm really complaining...) my Physics got pushed forward a day, encroaching on my calc time and my MechE is more extensive than previously (we actually have to make a four-bar mechanism, and since Drew and I are carpenter-MechE's, we have to show everyone up and actually use wood to make them) and due a day earlier (Wed, instead of Thurs) which also encroaches on my physics/calc time. We're having a dungeon day to set up and run an assembly line to produce 3 wood racks to organize the dungeon and that takes away my normal 2-hour block of physics Wed evening at course center. Not that I'm really complaining, we'll get to bang and screw in the dungeon and hang out with the newly formed 'carpentry committee' or council, we havn't really decided yet, that has assembled itself to build the land of Oz. (PS, if you want to hold a tech position for The Wiz (Master/Asst. Electrician, Props, Sound) let msy@... or atarnow@... know ASAP cuz we'll love you forever!!) The point is...I'm looking forward to this vacation more than ever. Especially since I get to see Wiley/the rest of the shows at Sharon. That will rock. As will the copious quantities of sleeping that I will accomplish. As well as some summer internship interviews, hopefully.

Today I felt fairly accomplished. I did all the on-paper part of my MechE assignment, I did the first section of both my Physics and Calc HW. However, I didn't get my resume out to anyone because I've yet to hear back from the MSE-person at the career center to whom I sent a copy of my 'final' resume. If I don't hear back from her tomorrow, I'll just screw it and write cover letters and e-mail the thing out like crazy. My parents have already looked it over and think it's fine. I am a bit disappointed that I don't know my final HS GPA, I know it's better than the one I had at the end of my Jr year...w00t for all A's my first term of Sr year. Senioritis, my foot! Ow, it still hurts.
Yea, so tomorrow will be a bit of a party: Waking up for labs in 8:30 physics rec, calc/physics HW, 4-bar-ing in the Dungeon for a while and calc SI in the evening. I also need to do some SW modeling for SAE at some point...perhaps tomorrow. Actually, it really ought to be tomorrow...
[UPDATE (11:30)]: So I was reading through a bunch of my old posts and a quote from the very end of one caught my eye as particularly relevant: "I guess in a couple weeks we'll both be extra-crazed from the stress, instead of just her." Truer words have never been spoken. That was from Jan 25.

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