Friday, February 25, 2005

A Most Momentous Day...

So today not only did I mostly write my resume but I also chose my major. The choosing was a bit anti-climactic: it was just an e-mail asking me to respond with my choice of majors/minors in CIT. So now I am officially a MechE going for a minor in Materials Science and Engineering, also. That's cool and all. Lets see what kind of 'free' stuff I get. I know that MSE has fleece jackets, but that might be only for people majoring in it. We shall see, cuz, ya know, that kind of thing is the most important facet of choosing a major.

So now I have a 'dream job' for this summer that I'll be trying to get. My research job right now is on new ultra-high strength, corrosion resistant (stainless) steels for use in aircraft landing gear. There's a materials research lab just over in Braintree (not very far from my house, 20 min max, I'd say) and it certainly seems like most of their research is in steel/iron alloys. I need to finalize my resume ASAP and write cover letters and get them off to the various companies in the area (a large number of which are in Framingham or Lexington, both ~40ish min from my house) so that my summer job isn't at Home Depot or Ace Hardware.

Well, time for movies fresh off I2Hub then off to SAE meeting/work in the garage.

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