Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Back by popular demand!


you don't update your blog anymore
what am I supposed to read while having moments of ADD?

Right, so I've been rediculously busy this past week+ and basically, I did a cost-benefit analysis before bed every night: sleep or blogging. You all should be able to guess which one passed the cost-benefit analysis.

The Wiz was Freakin' Awesome! Congrats to everyone involved, it was a tremendous show! Unfortunately, it ate a whole week of my life. From load-in to strike, I really didn't have time to do much else. I spent an afternoon working on SAE stuff, but that was about it.
Basically from Sunday evening (load-in) till Wed. night, I spent every spare moment in Rangos working on The Wiz stuff. Lots of that time was spent collapsed on the floor or the stage extension, but I was still there and could do stuff when needed. I also helped SnS hold the fence for a couple of nights. I didn't sleep there, but I did hang out and get very cold. Theresa apparently thought that Drew and I were sophomores, and really didn't believe me when I insisted that we were. (Echoes the time Chief (SHS History teacher) asked my 'rents if I was 14 or 34...I guess I'm always perceived as older than I am) Another great moment from the fence was Theresa talking to Scott and I about how she wants to try and become a Navy pilot. One thing discouraging her from that is the poor job market for pilots once she's served her stint in the Navy. I pointed out that she could combine her airplane skillz and her english degree (which should be an engineering one, but that's beside the point) and write about airplanes. She asked "who would want to read about airplanes?" I was prepared for this and pulled out the latest issue of Air&Space from my backpack.
Thursay (opening night) I was basically done with The Wiz stuff so I had time for the SAE unveiling. That was really awesome. Even though I personally didn't put much time into the car this year, it was still great seeing a year's hard work come together. I've also established myself as a grillmaster. I have the urge to cook large quantities of beef on a grill. I'll just have to be a grilling fiend over the summer...hopefully I'll be grilling in RI one weekend.
Anyway, the show opened and was awesome, even if Aaron and Ram's fire-pots fashioned from 'pure safety' never were used in front of an audience. Oh well.
Shows on friday and saturday were great as well.
Strike, however, sucked it long and sucked it hard. Wicked hard. We were striking till ~4:00 am Sunday morning. Not fun. Not fun at all.
What was fun was hangin' out at Catharine's apparment (thanks again!) with a buncha cool people (Rob, Yena, Gerrit, Matt, Courtk, Danielle, Catharine...if there was anyone else I apologize about forgetting you) I found out that Gerrit is a sophomore (which is awesome cuz he's really cool) and that Yena is not the sweet, innocent girl we all thought she was. She'd be the person in the back of the movie theater laughing at someone being mauled/dismembered/brutally injured while everyone else is cringing. That and she turns bright red after a few 'refreshments.'
Rob, Yena and I walked back post-sunrise and I got to bed around 7am. I slept till 11am and got up, went to the bathroom etc and realized that I was going to be exhausted in another two or three hours, so I went back to bed. I woke up and was shocked that I'd slept till past 3.
I eventually made my way over to Morewood for the Calc party I'd promised Ally prior to the Shins concert on Friday (I thought it was pretty good; it was my first real "rock" concert, ie standing so packed together that you were in constant contact with 3+ othe people at any moment). We got a few problems done before I had to head out to the SotR production/design meeting.
That went well; hopefully I can get the set built with minimal fuss. Luckily I need not purchase anything...we have the land of Oz decomposed into its component lumber sitting in the Dungeon.
After the meeting Ally, Chris, Miriam and I headed out to JoeMamas for half-price. Mmmm...tasty.
My favorite exchange of the night:
Miriam(regarding whipped cream): Why wouldn't you spray it onto your finger and lick it off?
Me: Well, the mass-flow rate is higher when you spray it into your mouth;
Ally: I heart you Alex
Miriam: [takes fork and tries to stab self in eye]
I also suggested that a man wearing pants is much like a decomposition reaction:
Man wearing pants -> man + pants
Today was alright...class and whatnot. I realized I have 3 exams on friday: Calc, Econ and MechE. Yay for me. Physics is on monday. This'll be fun, especially with SotR stuff, SAE stuff, work stuff (the samples finally came in), MechE car, and regular homework to do also.
So, in that vein, I will be off to bed now...I would write more, but I don't feel like it.

EDIT: Oh, one more thing: course scheduling is rapidly approaching (wed, for me). Anyone wanna take 79-201 with me? I want some cool people in that class, if I'm going to take it.

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