Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why the 'Chief Executive Threshold' is utter BS...

Years in office prior to assuming the US Presidency has no real bearing on presidential performance and historical rankings:

These seven presidents are consistently ranked in the 'better' half of all US Presidents. They have as little as 2 years of political office and as many as 14. Washington's 8 years as Commander-in-Chief debatably does not apply since it was not an elected, political office. This is also why Wilson's service as president of Princeton University only questionably applies. US Senators elected before 1913 were elected by the state's legislature, rather than via some form of popular vote.

Abraham Lincoln:
2 Yrs - US HoR
Total: 2 Yrs

George Washington:
(8 Yrs - CiC Continental Army)
Total: 8 Yrs, debatably applicable

Franklin D. Roosevelt:
4 Yrs - NY Gov
Total: 4 Yrs

Teddy Roosevelt:
2 Yrs - NY Gov
1 Yr - VP US
Total: 3 Yrs

Woodrow Wilson:
2 Yrs - NJ Gov
(8 Yrs - Pres, Princeton Univ)
Total: 2 (10) Yrs

Harry S. Truman:
10 Yrs - US Senate
<1 Yr - VP US
Total: 11 Yrs

John F. Kennedy:
6 Yrs - US HoR
8 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 14 Yrs

These seven presidents consistently rank at or near the bottom of rankings of US Presidents. They have service ranging from the (questionably applicable) 4 years of military service by US Grant as General of the Army to Nixon's 17 years of political service on the national scale.

Calvin Coolidge:
3 Yrs - MA Lt Gov
2 Yrs - MA Gov
2 Yrs - VP US
Total: 7 Yrs

Franklin Pierce:
5 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 5 Yrs

Andrew Johnson:
4 Yrs - TN Gov
4 Yrs - US Senate
<1 Yr - VP US
Total: 9 Yrs

James Buchanan:
10 Yrs - US Senate
4 yrs - US Sec of State
Total: 14 Yrs

6 Yrs - US HoR
3 yrs - US Senate
8 yrs - US VP
Total: 17 Yrs

Ulysses S. Grant:
4 Yrs - General of the Army
Total: 4 Yrs, debatably applicable

Warren G. Harding:
2 Yrs - NY Lt Gov
5 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 7 Yrs

Just for comparison:

George W. Bush:
5 Yrs - TX Gov
Total: 5 Yrs

John McCain:
4 Yrs - US HoR
11 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 15 Yrs

Hillary Clinton:
7 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 7 Yrs

Barack Obama:
3 Yrs - US Senate
Total: 3 Yrs

If Hillary's 'Threshold' is achieved somewhere between3 and 7 years of service, then does she argue that Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR should not have been elected? Were Nixon, Buchanon and Andrew Johnson inherently more qualified just because they sat in office longer?

Additionally ludicrous is her argument that while, Senator Obama is not now above the undefined threshold, he might somehow magically pass it between now and the DNC, qualifying him to be a vice president. But that would mean that he would be qualified to be President as well. You can't have it both ways, Senator Clinton.

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