Friday, July 07, 2006

Idiotic Dental Secretarys: A rant in IM

(13:09:10) Me: the secretarys at my dentist's office are idiots
(13:10:21) Buehl: as long as you left with at least 80% of the teeth you came in with, i call it a win
(13:10:36) Me: no, see luckily the secretary's dont come near your mouth
(13:11:14) Me: so I stupidy took an afternoon (2pm) appointment last time I went in, not really thinking about work
(13:11:30) Me: so then I get a reminder about my appointment that's next tuesday, at 2pm
(13:11:45) Me: I call wed (but they're closed), I call yesterday, but noone picks up and I leave a message
(13:12:01) Me: saying that I need to reschedule to some point in the evening next week
(13:12:18) Me: so I call them again today, and they're basically booked solid for 6 months
(13:12:32) Buehl: haha
(13:12:39) Me: I say "fine, I'll come in at 2 then"
(13:12:47) Me: she says "but it's already booked"
(13:12:52) Me: I said "by me"
(13:13:13) Me: no, they canceled my appt, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to get an evening appointment for another 6 months
(13:13:24) Me: so I end up scheduling for an afternoon like 3 weeks from now
(13:13:34) Me: and I'll still have to take the day off from work
(13:13:45) Me: grr
(13:13:56) Buehl: haha
(13:14:24) Buehl: thats quite a debacle

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