Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Anyone want some procrastination?

Stolen from Miriam/Ashley who stole it from Courtk who took it from Beej, apparently.

1. First name? Alexander

2. Were you named after anyone? Alexander the Great? No, not really. My parents claimed they picked it because they thought it wouldn't be a common name. Ha! Like, every fifth person here is named Alex.

3. Do you wish on stars? Not really.

4. When did you last cry? Uh...last time I remember is when Ben's dog, Rudy died. That was sad.

5. Do you like your handwriting? If by 'like' you mean 'struggle to read' then yes.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat? I'm a fan of turkey, but also Roast Beef, under the right circumstances.

7. What is your birth date? July 5, 1986

8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Not embarrasing so much as just plain bad: some 'best of rock and roll' 3 CD collection...maybe two good songs on that one.

9. Do you have a journal? This and LJ (mostly used to let my friends know when this gets updated)

10. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No ::cough::sarcasm::cough::

11. Would you bungee jump? Depends what the safety factor on the bungee cord is. And whether I'm intoxicated.

12. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I try to...maybe 75% of the time.

13. Do you think that you are strong? Strength is all relative, I guess...people make me carry things a lot.

14. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

15. Sex or ice cream? What about...both?

16. Brown or Pink? Brown

17. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I wish I wasn't so reserved in person.

18. Last person you ate with? Drew

19. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? "that's an unreasonable demand, considering it's publicly available." - Beej I think he said it best.

20. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Khaki cargo pants and black flip-flops

21. What are you listening to right now? Wonderful, Everclear

22. Last thing you ate? A remarkably good shatz dinner

23. Have you ever been to Utah? Utah?

24. What is the weather like right now? teens/twenties and breezy.

25. Last person you talked to on the phone? Prolly my dad about my summer internships.

26. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Haircolor, I think. Really depends on the person.

27. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Ashley and Miriam both rock...so yes.

28. Favorite Drink? I am a fan of a decent cup of coffee, just plain coffee with some cream/half&half in it...doesn't have to be fancy. I am a fan of the Vanilla Coke, also.

29. Favorite Sport? Football and Hockey are fun to watch, and I wish I played baseball/softball more.

30. Hair Color? Dark brown.

31. Eye Color? Brown

32. Do you wear contacts? Nope. I do wear glasses though.

33. Favorite Food? Either pasta or potatoes...

34. Last Movie You Watched? Newsies.

35. Favorite Day Of The Year? I like most days, but my birthday/4th of July is lots of fun.

36. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? Happy endings, but only if they don't make me angry by being too happy/perfect/could never really happen.

37. Summer Or Winter? First of all, I must second Miriam's answer "and by snowfall, I mean REAL amounts of snow, like 3 ft. None of this wussy 10 inches shit." Second of all, I must say I like spring/fall the most. I just like breezy, sunny days in the 50's/60's.

38. Hugs OR Kisses? Can't really go wrong with hugs.

39. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Chocolate cake, with a cappuchino.

40. Last live show you saw? MHSDG prelims at SHS! Well, technically the last was a poor production of WASP at aforementioned festival.

41. What Books Are You Reading? Econ book? Last book I read for fun was "The Substance of Civilization" by Stephen Sass. It's about Materials Science...what can I say? I'm a geek.

42. What's On Your Mouse Pad? I have a laptop and an optical mouse...no mousepad, suckers!

43. What Did You Watch Last Night on TV? "TV? I have a TV?" <- second Miriam's Answer. However, given the option, it would be several hours of Law & Order/Family Guy/Futurama

44. Favorite Smells? I like freshly baked cookies and the smell of sawdust in the morning.

45. Favorite Sounds? The ocean, breeze through the trees on a summer day...that sorta stuff. Explosions are cool too.

46. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Do I have to pick? They both rock wicked hard.

47. Furthest been from home? Essen, Germany

48. Do you have a special talent? Uh, I like helping people with stuff, like physics. They seem to appreciate it.

49. What is your ring tone? "Manner Mode" (vibrate), but if it weren't it'd be Leichte Kavallerie Overture

50. Are you gonna repost this for other people to do? Uh, haven't I just posted it?

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