Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Beautiful Day

::Hums song::
Ok, so today (and yesterday, for that matter) were gorgeous! In the fifties and sunny. Good stuff. However, I managed to spend most of today inside, in spite of that. I finally rolled out of bed and showered about 11:30ish. I hit up Asiana for lunch about 1:30 after heading over to the MSE office to sign my last timecard. I spent about 30 min total upon my return restarting/updating/cleaning up the startup on my computer because it was refusing to play full screen video smoothly. It's better now, and it has the lastest video drivers too. I think I've discovered the secret to Asiana: you get the noodle bowls. I got the teriyaki chicken rice noodle bowl and it was quite tasty.

Right, so after that I managed to waste the day away until ~4:00 when I realized I really ought to get some HW done. So I did the first 6 (out of 13) problems in my calc problem set. I'm still not sure how you determine whether something's gonna diverge or converge without doing the indefinite integral. Oh well, at least the integration is pretty easy. Or I'm getting better at it; prolly the first, but I can hope for the latter.

Anyway, about 7ish I headed out to the U and grabbed dinner then headed over to Skibo for coffee before the Doubleshot Production meeting. I think a lot of good conversations came out of the meeting; I'm feeling a bit less stressed about the whole thing now. I think we've found a sound system to use (Yin's stereo) and the program I'm gonna use to run the show is really cool. There are still more sound effects to be found, but I think it'll all turn out alright in the end. I'll be AMCing for The Wiz which officially makes Drew and I the musical carpeters. Coolness.

So I got back from the meeting (I now finally have a WASP script now, thankfully) and did some e-mailing to various people about various things, WoWed for a bit and talked to Doug for a while about M&I 2/ ECE stuff.

In other news, Homestarrunner is back up (actually, I may have lied, it appears to be back down), and the latest update is hilarious. However, Penny Arcade is down for some reason.

Well, I'm still hungry. This is obnoxious. I may have become accustomed to having something for breakfast in the morning. This could prove troublesome.

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