Friday, February 04, 2005

Another in a series of a series of...

very long days.

Guess what's exciting? Last night I remebered what I wanted to start my last post with:
"I wish I were a fruitfly...cuz then I'd be really good at 3d vector calculus in my head"
Vogel was talking about how fruit flies take the gradient of the 'stench' field to find rotting fruit in a room.

Right, so today was quite similar in schedule to yesterday, except it was longer:
I got up for my 8:30 physics recitation then went to calc rec. Fun times. Breakfast followed that. After/during breakfast I was trying to watch the latest episode of Scrubs, but there only seemed to be one copy out on the internet and it's poorly encoded such that the video portion would freeze up occasionally while the sound kept going. I ended up watching all the way through and then deleted it. Perhaps later I'll find a better version. Anyway, after that I headed out to 21126 followed by lunch. I blame lunch for me being hungry right now. I went to Skibo (as per the usual) and I decided I'd try out their "southwestern salad" daily special. It was all tasty and whatnot, but totally unfilling. Anyway, after that I headed to MechE rec and we actually covered more material. That's like two days in a row! Good for MechE. Drew and I didn't bother working on the car afterwards, Joel was asleep anyway. But good progress has been made, I'm very confident we'll have a great review on the 17th.
At 4:30ish (really closer to 5) I met Aaron and we headed over to the sound design lab at Purnell. I perused the sound effects collection and eventually found a half-dozen or so that will work for me. I'll have to go back later to look for another one that I'd forgotten about and then burn all of them to a CD.
Dinner was fairly uneventful...ate at Si Senor again then grabbed coffee at Skibo to gird myself for the long night ahead. I ran into Becky and Sarah and we all went over to M&I2 Course center.
Right, so course center. Fun times. I ended up explaining problem 15.22 like, 7 times while I was there and again just now on AIM; but I don't mind so much, I think it just helps me better understand the physics behind it anyway. There was one particularly memorable utterance made at course center, and it is now immortalized in my facebook quotes section.
So after that I went back to 'schlag briefly then headed back out to PH125C for board preview. It went swimmingly.
Once I got back I hung out in the 'schlounge for a while, playing pool with some of the heros and 2/3 of the Maggie Mo girls we like and don't loathe. That was fun. Stahl and I are apparently guarunteed 6 figure salaries cuz we used our superior physics skillz to beat Hector, and that's what he said at the beginning of the game (Hector is a busniess major).
Then I took a shower and felt all clean again. And it was good, and I was tired. Then I went to bed and stopped talking about the present in the past tense, confusing myself even moreso. Good night, all.

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