Saturday, February 12, 2005

12 Hours on your feet...

not fun.
Yea, so I woke up bright and early this morning so that I could get to the UC tournaround by 8:00. That was fun. Contrary to last time, all the people that came along were freshmen, as opposed to grad students, 5th year Arches and me. It was good, we went to a different house than last time, this time in Beaver County, about 40 minutes from CMU.
We drywalled for a long time. Like, 6 hours total, but we got two whole rooms done, I think. We also had a delicious lunch of PB&J washed down with water from a pipe they assured us was potable.
We eventually headed back, now entirely covered in dust. I took a nap in the car.
I foolishly thought I could go to the dungeon for just a little while. Drew and I ended up staying till 7:45 (I got back to CMU 4:30ish and went straight to the dungeon) finishing up the wood racks and loading them up with 2x8 boards. In the time between 4:30 and 7:45 we, among other things, learned the truth behind an SnS legend ("and it's not like it was even crack, it was heroin..") and looked for a decade-old time capsule. We haven't found it yet.
So then I hurried over to the U and got myself dinner in the last 5 minutes of the dinner block. Go me! Now I'm back at 'schlag. Tim (the roomie) was out on some 'emerging leaders' retreat since last night, and honestly I spent almost as much time out of the room so far this weekend as he did. Crazy, oh well.
Tomorrow I need to go to Radio Shack to get speaker wire, making sure I'm back 3ish for doing recordings for the Doubleshot.
It is now a little past 9 and I'm very tired. I should take a shower soon.

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