Saturday, December 11, 2004

...Therefore, if Santa did exist, he's dead now. Merry Christmas.

The Physics of old St. Nick
A friend sent me this, and even though I've seen it before, I feel the need to share it with all of you ('all' being the 4 people who actually read this (best of all, it's one of those 4 people who sent me the link)).

Anyway, today's been a fairly lazy day so far. Woke up 11:30ish, for some reason I had an urge to get out of bed, but then I realized it was saturday and that urge was swiftly crushed like a populist uprising. Finally got out of bed and took a shower. I got online and was checking blogs and webcomics when I sent my friend who lives down the hall a link to a t-shirt in an online store. About ten seconds later he was at my door, showing me that very shirt. It was awesome; it practically made my day.

Following that we ventured outside 'schlag to Asiana (he was originally planning to go on a Gealge run as a direct result of the 3.5 DnD rules.) It was 'brisk,' highly so, on the way over and on the way back it was 'snowing.' My friend (from Texas) called it snow, I referred to it as cold rain, as that's what it was; snow accumulates and makes you run the snowblower up and down the driveway every hour, this was not snow.

So, anyway, I'm back in 'schlag, sitting in my room, prolly going to choose some game to boot up, which one I'm not sure. I'm tempted to install and play Freedom Force cuz I've been playing entirely too many FPS lately, and I have yet to buy WoW, though I'm pretty sure I will once I get home.


Anonymous said...

You, sir, win at the internet.

Beltonius said...

Well, that's certainly encouraging. It might mean more if I knew who was posting.