Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Roommates and I have been talking...

...and we've come to a conclusion: Bush is a terrible Republican. $3,000,000,000,000 budgets? Who's the party of 'small government' again?

I can understand the general concept of fighting to preserve America for "the children," but, I hate to break it to you, but "the kids" aren't going to appreciate a towering, festering pile of debt, either, especially if all their civil liberties are gone too.

This has been your 3rd-quarter political update. Now back to the game.

EDIT: If it makes you feel any better, I've just run the numbers and $190bn/yr for Iraq/Afghanistan works out to about $6k/second. According to Wikipedia, 30 seconds of advertisement at Superbowl XLII cost $2.7m, which works out to $90k/second, 15 times the per-second cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan theatre of the "War on Terror"

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