Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It all depends on your point of view...

Vista pirated half as much as XP, Microsoft rejoices

I'd argue that
A) No one really wants Vista (Has there been any other time in the history of operating systems where the old and the new were offered side by side as alternates?)
B) People are getting better at circumventing Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) authentication, and I'm going to assume that computers failing that validation are the primary way Microsoft is counting 'pirated' versions.
C) Windows XP is older and more likely to be already installed on a machine that undergoes some hardware update and then proceed to fail WGA authentication (like mine did when I updated the firmware on my DVD-drive). I'd say that false-positives are also skewing the number of 'pirated' versions, but not as much as A and B above.

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