Monday, November 26, 2007

Um, I'm going to disagree...

How to Get the Geek Vote: "What's ailing America? Not enough H1-B visas!"

So...that'll get you the technology company upper management on your side. And people in China, India etc.

Among the geeks eligible to vote in the US, I think there would be a distinct concern about competition from people coming in on H1-B's. In the college application process, there certainly is some resentment from domestic students that 'diverse' 'foreign' students somehow get priority under the auspices of 'diversity'. I have to imagine there are similar sentiments among geeks currently in the workforce.

Even the perceived threat of more H1-B workers will steer some Americans away from the technical professions, which is a bad thing, in my opinion, and certainly won't net too many votes when elections come around.

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