Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Maintanence Request Form


Sent to the webmaster after I wasn't able to submit a maintanence request for about the umpteenth time since I enrolled at CMU.

OK, I’m finding this very frustrating. I tried to fill out a request two days ago, and the form would not load. I figured it was something about high demand at the beginning of the year or something. I tried again today and the form loads but when I hit ‘submit’ no page loads and I’m informed that https://www2.housing.cmu.edu is not found.

I’m going to paste in relevant information and count on your ‘capable’ hands to get it to the right person, because apparently you can’t be bothered to keep a simple e-mail form operational.

I am currently a senior, and have had issues every year with submitting maintenance requests. Not only is the form now outdated (Morewood Gardens no longer has towers, for example, but the form still requires a selection of one) but it regularly fails. For a school with an outstanding CS program, I find this kind of thing (along with problems with OLR/SIO etc) totally disappointing and unacceptable.

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Morewood Garden XXX

Furniture Request:
I need 2 (though 1 would be adequate) bunk bed safety rails.

Now playing: Led Zeppelin - In the Evening
via FoxyTunes

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