Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why I Feel Like A Second-Class Citizen...

Over the past several weeks, I have been met at every turn by companies who have refused to take my money for their goods or services:

"You want a credit card? You're a student and never had one before? OK, just sit here and have an incompetant teller fill out a web-form for you and wait a week or ten days." "Oh, too bad. You're not in the system and we clearly can't issue you the only card we offer"

"Get into an accident? Sure, we'll fix your car. But those guys over there won't let you rent a car. You can enlist or get drafted and go out there and defend my whiny ass but you're not renting one of our cars. Oh no, you have to be 21 to do that, mister. And we'll still ream you, hard, till you're 25."

Conveniently I turned 21 about two weeks after the accident, but I would've been SOL if this had happened last summer or the summer before. Apparently all work done by under-21 year olds is optional and they can just skip it for a week or two.

"Oh, great! You're 21 now! You can rent a car! But not without a major credit card!"
You can have plenty of money in your account and be fully insured, regularly pay your taxes in full, but you can't rent a car without a major credit card, though they likely don't care if you're eyeballs deep in debt.

"That broken car? Yea, you need to pay us for the repairs. Check? No problem....oh, wait. There is. You haven't written enough checks so clearly we can't trust this one. Try again in six days."

That's the one that really pissed me off. I mean, they basically could deny me for any reason and refused to tell me why. At least the MA Dept of Revenue eventually told me why they didn't want to give me my money back.

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