Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus

What is this Gonzales character smoking?

So even though the US Constitution specifies exactly when a right can be suspended, we aren't otherwise entitled to it?

Seriously, whoever convinced Bush that the 'President' is actually a synonym for 'absolute monarch' should be arrested. The President, last I checked, was supposed to be of the same stature as Congress or the Supreme court and were all critical to the functioning of the country and one particular branch of government isn't supposed to be able to walk all over the other two.

I mean, I'm all for killing or locking away the truly guilty 'terrorists' but only after a fair, speedy and open trial. I know, it's better than the actually guilty ones deserve, but that's the point. America's supposed to be worth fighting for, right? We're better than them, that's why they hate us, or so we've been told. Sinking to their level destroys what we're defending and surely does not earn us any friends.

PS Colbert has a clip and analysis of Gonzales' statement.

PPS Props to Sen. Arlen Specter for calling it like it is, again (see above clip).

1 comment:

Beltonius said...

I thought blogger messed up and ate my old post and so I wrote the above, taking a slightly different (and longer) tack. Below is my original for those who're interested:

"Seriously, what is this guy smoking?

Does he really think that the US Constitution & Bill of Rights actually only denote when a right that we weren't granted might be taken away?

As much as I am for the prosecution and elimination of terrorists etc, I'm not comfortable surrendering all that makes us 'different' from them (freedom, human rights etc) just to kill them or lock them up before and after a sham trial. It's better than they deserve, those that are actually guilty, to get a fair and speedy trial.

Isn't that what America is? Better than the terrorists?"