Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm done and Adina asked me to fill out her meme. I'm done so I figured, what the hay, why not?
Harry Potter Meme

What would your wand be made of?

Pine with a Titanium core

What would amortentia smell like to you?
Dark chocolate, machine oil and sawdust.

What shape would your patronus take?

What animal would you turn into if you were an animagus?

What would a boggart turn into in front of you?
a cockroach wielding a calculus textbook

What OWLs do you think you could earn?
Potions, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy

What extra powers would you have, if any?
Prolly nothing special.

What position would you play in Quidditch?

What job would you have?
Um, spell research? Maybe at some novelty company.

And... of course... what house would you be in?


Anonymous said...

I feel like a fallen has been too long since I have reread my Potter books...I don't even remember what amortentia is exactly...oh woe the day...*cries self to sleep*


Beltonius said...

Don't worry, I had to wikipedia that along with the houses of hogwarts.