Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dear Crawford,

"I recently purchased a pair of your folding steel sawhorses (Folding Steel Sawhorse # SH32).

I don't know if I've ever been less satisfied with a tool purchase. Not only were they bulkier and more awkward to transport than similar products, from other manufacturers, I've used in the past, your product required assembly and actually hindered my work. I was unable to situate either of your sawhorses such that they would not wobble. I placed a board spanning two of your sawhorses and proceeded to attempt to bore a hole through it. No matter what I did, the sawhorse and board continually shifted back and forth while I was trying to drill. Eventually, in frustration, I kicked over one sawhorse and stomped the side in. I then promptly went and bought a pair of a competitors products that are better built, more compact and actually allow me to work with them.

In summary: Your products are absolute shit. I will now never again buy another product from Crawford or any other member of the LeHigh Group.

Thanks for nothing.

Crapfully yours,

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