Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A New Era...

Yea so second semester has started. Two days ago, actually and I've only had 2 class periods so far (3 hrs total of class). This is due to CMU's 3/5 compromise on MLK Jr day (all classes after 12:30 are canceled) as well as recitations/labs today being canceled due to lack of lecture time.
I have a good feeling about Stress Analysis and somewhat less so about Fluids. I guess it just came off as really daunting today, even though we have a crazy old British (maybe? He has a French last name but his accent hints of the British Isles) guy teaching us.

I've done a ton (relative to my past involvement) of work with SAE and it feels good. I helped machine things monday afternoon (even if the tough part was incorrectly drawn and was re-done today by someone else). I stopped by the shop and garage almost as a matter of fact yesterday and today and I feel like I'm actually helping out. Yay.

Break was, overall, nice. I didn't get as much sleep as I'd like, my mother had these crazy ideas about being up by 10:30ish every day. I think she didn't like my 'good mornings' at noon after she got up at 5:30 to see the bothers off to school. Other than that, I basically sat around all break. Seriously. I did manage to finally get my external HDD's setup like I always wanted: Daisy-chained to my laptops integral Firewire port. Granted, they each are still plugged into a USB port to draw their 5v power, but now they have decent transfer rates (400 sure beats 12!) and only use 1 USB port each. I'm looking to find a, I think, Pin-positive USB 5v power cable so I no longer need to use the clever but awkward Y-cable that came with one of the drives.

I've also found my one true love. Seriously, she's hot, sweet and a starship mechanic! What more could I ask for? (Attractive, nice engineers/mechanics/scientists, please leave a copy of your resume and I will consider you for the position) But seriously, Firefly is freakin' awesome. I bought the movie at B&N the day I went Dim-summing with the Azn Brotherhood because it was a decent price and I wanted to see it and I wanted movies to try out on my new system. I watched the movie and I needed more. So I Bit-torrented the whold series (all 14 episodes) and had trouble not watching the next one every time I reached the ending credits. I will be most happy if it makes it back and goes back into production.

I was glad when I was walking around CMU the past couple of days at how comfortable I was to be back. I was concerned that after the immense leisure experienced during the break, I wouldn't be able to come back to CMU but I almost feel more at home here, on-campus, than I do at home. I do miss the food, however. Especially since my going-away dinner was at Legals.

Anyway, my eyelids are getting heavy and I have a 9:00 class in the morning.

[EDIT(1:09am)]: Redirected a link to more accurately reflect my meaning.

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