Wednesday, September 28, 2005

In other news...

I've figured out why Newegg didn't want to take my money (Citizens was enforcing my daily card limit) and I'll be dressing up and trying to land an internship tomorrow. Woot? Speaking of which; Christine, if you seriously wanted to pursue those summer plans, we should think about starting the process soon.
But yea...other stuff. I'm vaguely ahead of the game HW-wise, I did some stuff before the evening before it was due (crazy concept, huh?) and so far have been generally un-stressed this week ::knocks on wood:: except for the upcoming Thermo test I have on friday. I'm not terribly worried, but it still makes me nervous. I did do quite well on the quiz that we just got back (which oddly enough was about 7.5% of our entire grade for the course) and I'll get my statics exam back tomorrow and hopefully that'll make me happy/instill faith in myself as an engineer.

In totally unrelated news, I've noticed that Winamp, while being an otherwise great media player, has a very inconsistent shuffle function. Well, I take that back, it may play songs in a normally distributed manner, but I'd rather it play songs more evenly. The shuffle function seems to favor some songs over others. I checked play counts and some songs had zero while others had 8 or 9. Granted, these numbers were only since I last imported all of my music into my library (happens more often than you'd expect) and I'm not sure if the 'played' tag is added once the song is started or if it's finished, because if it doesn't count the song till it's played all the way through, it's certainly my fault, personally, as some songs I just skip through of my own volition.
...And...I'm done.

[EDIT(11:00pm)] Oh yea! I remembered something else I wanted to say...
I realized today that Matsci is a pretty dirty subject; I mean, we're talking about tramps and cleavage all the time. That and electrons having surfer love-fests at the beach, at least when they're superconducting. Oh Salvador, you're so crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pardon my faulty memory but..."Speaking of which; Christine, if you seriously wanted to pursue those summer plans, we should think about starting the process soon." what was that in reference to? lol
