Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Curses...foiled again! ::shakes fist::

So I thought I would be clever and get out of bed before Tim so I could a shower luck. I got out of bed and logged online to check the weather and he dashed out to the good shower. Oh well, I'll just have to wait.

So the calc test went fine. Honestly, after looking over my last physics test I'm not as worried as I had been about the final. It turns out that a lot of the points I lost were due to idiotic mistakes (like solving for omega instead of heat generated or something similar) and not to me failing to grasp physics concepts. In the end I realized I just need to go look at problems through basic 'first principles' as Prof Schumacher calls them. I just didn't look at the problems in a simple enough light, in most cases. Most likely I had just stressed myself out about the test in the hours leading up to it, and if I'd been calmer I would have done much better.

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